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Community for Data Integration (CDI) [Folder View]

NOTE: For the most recent listing of CDI projects, see the CDI public USGS website at: The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Community for Data Integration (CDI) was established in 2009 to address data and information management issues affecting the proficiency of earth science research. The CDI provides a forum for collaboration and brainstorming by bringing together expertise from external partners and representatives across USGS who are involved in research, data management, and information technology. Through partnerships and working groups, the CDI leads the development of data management tools and practices, cyber infrastructure, collaboration tools, and training to support scientists and technology specialists throughout the project life cycle. To promote many of the innovative ideas in the community, CDI has provided funding through a proposal process that promotes activities that complement the CDI Science Support Framework. Each year, the CDI working groups and funded projects produce innovative products and publications that advance science data and information management and integration capabilities across the USGS. The purpose of the CDI Community in ScienceBase is to document annual CDI products and publications. These items will be used to populate the CDI website, which will enable the public and researchers to discover CDI products and publications.