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A 1,200-year perspective of 21st century drought in southwestern North America


Glen M Macdonald, Dave W Stahle, David M Meko, Connie A Woodhouse, and Edward R Cook, A 1,200-year perspective of 21st century drought in southwestern North America: .


A key feature of anticipated 21st century droughts in Southwest North America is the concurrence of elevated temperatures and increased aridity. Instrumental records and paleoclimatic evidence for past prolonged drought in the Southwest that coincide with elevated temperatures can be assessed to provide insights on temperature-drought relations and to develop worst-case scenarios for the future. In particular, during the medieval period, ∼AD 900-1300, the Northern Hemisphere experienced temperatures warmer than all but the most recent decades. Paleoclimatic and model data indicate increased temperatures in western North America of approximately 1 °C over the long-term mean. This was a period of extensive and persistent aridity [...]


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