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Benthic Communities as Mediators of Water Quality in Lower San Francisco Bay, California (2012-2019)


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Zierdt Smith, E.L., Shrader, K.H., Parchaso, F., Thompson, J.K., 2021, Benthic Communities as Mediators of Water Quality in Lower San Francisco Bay, California (2012-2019): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


San Francisco Bay and Estuary is largely urbanized and developed, and the southern bay is the most urbanized with many sources of nutrients, many concerns that the system might become eutrophic, and many questions about how South Bay has maintained its relatively good health. The hypotheses for why South Bay is not eutrophic, where other bays have not been so fortunate, include high bivalve grazing that limits net phytoplankton growth and high turbidity which also limits the phytoplankton growth rate. Understanding the bivalve grazing rates in the south bay includes the necessity of understanding temporal and spatial distributions of bivalves. Despite the critical need to understand all controls on eutrophication, there are very few [...]


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T8_SFEI_2017BenthicData.csv 169.67 KB text/csv
T8_SFEI_2017BenthicData.xlsx 70.91 KB application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
T9_SFEI_2018BenthicData.csv 83.02 KB text/csv
T9_SFEI_2018BenthicData.xlsx 40 KB application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
T10_SFEI_2019BenthicData.csv 249.76 KB text/csv
T10_SFEI_2019BenthicData.xlsx 99.22 KB application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Morning on the water in San Francisco Bay, CA facing southeast towards the Dumbarton Bridge and Mission Peak Regional Preserve. Taken by Emily Zierdt Smith (USGS) on October 30, 2018.jpg thumbnail 106.11 KB image/jpeg


Data were collected to examine the benthic community dynamics and bivalve grazing rates in the lower San Francisco Bay. These data support the collaboration between the U.S. Geological Survey and the San Francisco Estuary Institute. We are working with Dr. David Senn to support the South San Francisco Bay Phytoplankton model (a collaborative study with Dr Lisa Lucas USGS, WMA/IMPD/ESMB).
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  • USGS Benthic Laboratory
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DOI doi:10.5066/P98VDE7V

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