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Current-use pesticides, nutrients, chloride, and metals in ponds and stormwater basins of the New Jersey Pinelands, 2018-20


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Smalling, K.L., Wengrowski, E.E., Bowen, K.M., Bunnell, Z.J., Hladik, M.L., De Parsia, M., Sanders, C.J., Bunnell, J.F., Burritt, P.M., Laidig, K.J., and Sobel, M.C., 2022, Current-use pesticides, nutrients, chloride, and metals in ponds and stormwater basins of the New Jersey Pinelands, 2018-20: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The data presented in this data release include concentrations of current-use pesticides, nutrients, chloride, and metals in surface water collected from 60 wetlands including natural ponds, excavated ponds (Xponds), and stormwater basins in the New Jersey Pinelands, 2018-20. Site information, basic water-quality parameters, and method information also are included.


Attached Files

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Table1_SiteInformation.txt 7.38 KB text/plain
Table2_FieldWQData.txt 8.79 KB text/plain
Table3_PesticideData.txt 18.38 KB text/plain
Table4_InorganicConstituents.txt 19.26 KB text/plain
Table5_PinelandsMethodInformation.txt 17.09 KB text/plain


The data were collected to assess the overall water-quality condition of each sampled wetland and to determine the types of constituents present during the spring (March) and early summer (June) at each location during 2018-20.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9XQOEZV

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